It’s not just about link building anymore-you need to be able to reach people who are looking for what you offer and then convert them into customers. With Google constantly tweaking search algorithms, it’s becoming more difficult to rank higher on SERPs, so this article will explain some of the best ways to use link building in SEO in 2021.
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What Is Link Building?
Before explaining how to use link building in SEO, it’s important to know what link building is.
Simply put, “link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks on relevant sites to ultimately improve search engine rankings.”
With Google rewarding pages that have more authority with higher SERPs, your page needs links from other websites so Google can tell that your page is important.
However, Google’s algorithms are constantly changing to prevent people from abusing the system so it takes much more than just good content now to rank higher on SERPs.
Why Is Link Building Important?
People often point out that you don’t need links to rank well in search engines nowadays, but that’s just not true.
Of course, you can rank without links, but if your site is ranking high on SERPs and doesn’t have any backlinks, people won’t click it because they assume it isn’t important or valuable.
If you want to get traffic from search engines in 2021, link building should be an important part of your SEO strategy.
How Do You Use Link Building in SEO?

Now that you know what link building is and why it is important, here are some ways to use it in search engine optimization.
Internal Linking
One of the most overlooked parts of off-page SEO is internal linking. What this means is linking to other pages on your website to keep people on your site for longer.
The reason internal linking is so important in 2021 is that Google is giving authority to sites that have more inbound links with higher rankings. This means if you want a high ranking, you need to have many backlinks coming into your site AND the links need to be on other authority websites.
The reason internal links are so important is that Google is giving authority to sites that have more inbound links with higher rankings. One of the best ways to give your site high authority and boost your SEO efforts is by linking to other pages on your site from relevant blog posts or articles.
If a blog post is about “How to Make the Perfect Margarita,” you should link to your page on “Best Margarita Recipes” or even your e-commerce site if you sell margarita glasses.
Another great way to use internal linking in 2021 is linking to relevant pages, but not directly related.
For example, if your website sells running shoes and you have a blog post about the best running trails in Portland, linking from that article to your site’s page on “The 10 Best Running Shoes” would be very relevant.
You should also link to posts where people might want more information. For example, if someone is reading a blog post about how to get rid of acne, you should link to posts that give more information about how to treat or prevent acne.
Before you start linking to other pages on your site, make sure the links are do-follow and make sure the links are relevant.
Also, keep in mind that Google is smart enough to know where someone is clicking these links. If people don’t click the links or if they become less and less popular over time, Google will eventually stop giving them as much authority.
Social Media Sites
Using link building in SEO is not just about adding links to your site anymore; you need to use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to get your content out there.
The number one reason people use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter is that they want to share their content with other people.
If you create an article about how to make the perfect margarita, your best bet is to share it on Facebook and Twitter. If it’s interesting, funny, unique, or if you’re friends with someone well known in the margarita drinking world. It will go viral and several thousand people might end up clicking on your link to read the article.
This is, of course, assuming that you did everything else right in your article (the title was catchy and enticing enough to make people want to click, the article was written well enough for people to enjoy reading it, etc.).
External Linking
There are several different ways you can use external linking in 2021 for SEO purposes.
Many people who write articles about things like Facebook or Twitter limit themselves to only writing posts on those sites. This means they don’t get the maximum benefits of link building because their content is not accessible everywhere.
One way to ensure that your content gets seen and clicked on by more people is to write an abridged version of your article and post it somewhere on a site with extreme popularity and with a lot of authority.
You could also take several shorter articles about the same topic and put them on a few different websites with high domain authority.
Putting content on new websites gives it a boost in the SERPs because Google sees each of these articles as unique articles with fresh content, even though they’re all about the same thing.
Another way to use external linking in 2021 for SEO purposes is to link your blog posts to your social media pages.
For example, if you have a blog post about how to make the perfect margarita, you should also share that article on Facebook and Twitter so people can see it.
The more times your content is shared on these sites and the more high-quality backlinks you have pointing at one page of the same article-the higher Google will rank that article in general.
Using link building in 2021 is not just about adding links to your site anymore; you need to use social media sites like Facebook and Twitter to get your content out there, share it on multiple websites with high domain authority and make sure all of this content is seen on your social media pages.
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